Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March Book: The Choice

The other day, I finished my book for March. I read, The Choice by Nicholas Sparks. Now I only have one more Nicholas Sparks book to go before I've read them all! :)

First, I'd like to say that I realize that my book reviews (if that's what you want to call them) lately have been sort of negative. Well, maybe negative is not the right word... skeptical, maybe? Jaded? Maybe I'm hard to impress when it comes to reading a book. I don't know. The last book I read where I enjoyed the entire thing was Breaking Dawn. Other than that, I seem to get bored during certain, more drawn out parts of books.

That being said, I feel like Nicholas Sparks needs some new material. His only book that hasn't followed the exact same pattern was The Guardian, if I remember correctly. It makes reading his novels so predictable. And they're pretty unrealistic. I mean, nobody actually falls madly and truly in love in, like, a week. But that's what happens in every. single. one. of his books. Other than that, I like them - obviously, because I keep reading them. They keep me entertained, and I guess that's the point, right?

Ok, back to The Choice. I'll try not to spoil it too much for you.

This book is about a man named Travis, who falls in love with a woman named Gabby, who happens to be his new next door neighbor. Gabby, however, is in a relationship with her long time boyfriend. Apparently she wasn't too in love with him though, because she eventually dumps his ass for Travis. There's a lot more to the first part of this book, but it's really pretty irrelevant to the story so I won't go into it.

In the second part of this book, we find out that something has happened, and Travis is faced with an extremely difficult choice. The rest of the book is mainly about his emotional struggles and the implications of his decision.

This book makes you think. How do certain choices you make affect the lives of your loved ones? What would you have done in Travis' position?

And I'll admit, I cried at the end. Leave me alone, I'm pregnant. I'm allowed to cry at the drop of a hat.

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