Sunday, February 27, 2011

20 Week Update

Hello all! You probably noticed that I gave the blog a little face lift. I've been meaning to change it up a bit for a while now, but to be honest, I'm not totally sold on it yet... I need to give it a little time to grow on me. So it's very possible that it will change again in the near future.

In other news, I'm just over 20 weeks pregnant now! I'm feeling pretty good, but every now and again (like this morning) I feel like I just might throw up and feel super duper tired. I'm assuming this happens when baby hits a growth spurt. I'm feeling our little Sequel move around a lot lately. I started feeling movements around 14 weeks. It's true what they say about feeling movement sooner the second time. I don't think I felt anything with Isaac until 18 weeks or so, although with him I had an anterior placenta and this time I don't, so that probably had a little to do with it.

I'm also at the point where I'm getting up a lot at night to pee (I'd say the average is about 3 times per night). I was having some trouble sleeping a few weeks ago, but that has gotten better too. I've been waking up more rested and don't need to nap as much during the day (although I often don't have time to nap anyway).

J has been a great help with Isaac. The poopy diapers are pretty much entirely his responsibility these days because that smell can send me right over the edge. I know that sounds like an excuse not to change poopy diapers, but I speak the truth. I can't imagine being a single mom pregnant with a second child. It's hard to keep up with a toddler as it is, but pregnant and by yourself? No way, Jose. I just couldn't do it. I am very thankful for my husband.

Tomorrow is the big ultrasound day! I don't know why it's been so difficult for me to wait this time! I am just so excited to find out if Sequel is a boy or a girl! Although, I don't really care much either way, I just need to know! One the one hand, it would be nice to have a girl - I could shop for all those cute fru fru type clothes, and it would be kind of nice to have a boy and a girl, you know, one of each. Plus, then I wouldn't be outnumbered, lol. But on the other hand, if we have a boy, we will already have pretty much everything we need, even the clothes will be for the right seasons (unless this one is really huge or really small), Isaac would have a boy playmate (especially important since he has no boy cousins), and, I know this sounds silly, but I already know how to care for a boy. I feel like I'd be learning something completely new by raising a girl. So either way, we will be thrilled. I remember that after I found out that Isaac was a boy, he had so much more of an identity to me, and even though I didn't know it was possible, I felt like I loved him even more. I think that's why I'm so excited to find out what Sequel is. My baby needs an identity! And then we can start thinking about a name (yikes!).

So if you wouldn't mind, please say a prayer for our family today and ask that everything goes well with our ultrasound. All we hope is that Sequel is healthy.

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